

The template works with both the Microsoft Store edition and the desktop edition of the app. Make sure you have installed one of them.

How to use:

  1. Download the EXE package.
  2. Double-click to extract the files into a folder. Make sure you have full access privileges to the folder, such as a subfolder inside “My Documents”.
  3. Open the template.
1020 KBDownload

License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale). See our Terms of Use.


The screen shot for Dance Teacher Bill Sample


This template provides an easy way for freelancers, schools, and training institutions to create professional bills and invoices.

The sheet is a modified version of Personal Trainer or Fitness Instructor invoice template (c4082). The most noticeable difference is that since this template is designed for dance teachers and trainers, two carton images of dancers (models) were added. This not only makes your documents beautiful and professional but also clearly shows what your business is.

This is a service invoice template. It contains only a "Bill To" section. Three important fields, "date", "invoice number", and "payment term", are placed next to the "Bill To" section.

The template has 8 lines and 4 columns in the detail section, where you can itemize what to charge for. For example, "Ballet Starter lesson". The "Amount" (i.e., "Line total") is calculated from "Hours" and "Rate".

You can change the column headings as you like. Changing column headings will not break our app because all the cells are identified by names.

Format and Specification

Belongs to


Format (XLS or XLSX).xlsx
Line Height (Points)30.00
Print Area$D$2:$P$51
Papaer OrientationPortrait
Default Margins (Points)